Meet Copper! Copper is a sweet little Maltipoo who is sure to bring a ray of sunshine in your life and all he meets!
The mom, Gigi is an AKC registered Maltese with a cotton like coat and great confirmation. She is a very friendly dog! Gigi weighs 6lb and 10 oz.
Texas is the name of the dad. He is a Miniature Poodle. He has a very pretty, curly coat of beautiful red color. Texas weighs around 11 lbs.
Copper has been kept up to date on deworming and shots. He has also had a physical exam done by a licensed veterinarian. Copper is Microchipped as well. All records of vaccinations and microchip registry info will be transferred at time of purchase.
If you would like to see additional pictures or videos of Copper, please feel free to ask. We would love for you to come to our place to meet him however if that doesn't work for you, I will be to help you out by setting up delivery for you thru a local pet transport. That would be ground delivery to your door. (at your expense) Feel free to call for more details on that and provide location for a quote!
Copper will come with...
-a small bag of the food he is currently eating
-microchip registry info
-1 year genetic health guarentee